Friday, June 4, 2010

Ullja's Gusto Food Movement Waco Texas, Eating Healthy with Stir-fry Recipes

Ullja's Gusto Food movement Waco Texas, Eating Healthy and Sustainable with Stir-fry Recipes:
Ullja Kuntze, founder and chef of Ullja's Gusto Sustainable Food movement in Waco-Texas, has been teaching the community members to incorporate many easy-to-do, stir-fry recipes with fresh produce bought from local farmers in Waco-Texas. Eating sustainable, local fresh food has many advantages, including financial, economic, and most of all its the best way for ones health.

Here is an easy recipe using fresh, local produce from farmers:

Chicken Stir-fry made with zucchini, fresh green onions, mushrooms, and leeks...just cut them all, add a little extra virgin olive oil in your pan and start stirring them until all is cooked...stir-frying veggies is done quickly..make sure the chicken is well done (i usually stir-fry the chicken first and then add all the season, i only use sea salt and freshly ground can also add some freshly ground ginger to this or use some fresh chopped parsley.Try to stay away from ready-made seasonings and flavorings which are mostly filled with artificial chemicals and ingredients.
Buon appetito:-)
Ullja’s Gusto food movement is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary “cultural revolution” through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food.
In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja’s Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers.
Support sustainable, local food movement in your town.

Join Ullja’s Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

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