Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ullja's, Ullja's Gusto, Sustainable Local Food Movement Waco-Texas, Avoid Food Cravings

Ulljas Gusto, Food movement Waco-Texas, Tip of the Day:


Why do we love food? The main reasons are, it gives us energy and it makes us feel good. Usually, the higher in calories, sugar and fat, the bigger the yum factor.
However, if you eat too much carbs and little nutrients all the time, you will feel less energetic. Carbs may be a good source of potential energy, but without other nutrients it cant get processed into usable energy so it ends up as fat.

Eating a balanced diet including veggies, seeds, nuts, fish will provide your body with the nutrition it needs to produce energy.

Remember, dont rely on food for the feel-good factor, be more active and make sure you have some fun.


Ullja’s Gusto food movement is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary “cultural revolution” through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food.
In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja’s Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers.
Support sustainable, local food movement in your town.

Join Ullja’s Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

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