Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ulljas Gusto, Wonders of Tofu as alternative to protein

Ulljas Gusto, Local Food Movement Waco-TX~ITS SOY SIMPLE WITH TOFU:
Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ulljas Gusto local food movement and multi-cultural chef, has been cooking asian cuisine this week. Teaching the wonders of Tofu with mouth-watering recipes..healthy, meat-free, Tofu is great for Vegetarians and for those who would like to consume less meat.
Tofu has been around for centuries and has become popular in the Western cultures in the 20th century but still as of today, there are many people who have never used it before nor are familiar with Tofu recipes.
In my opinion, the most important things to do with Tofu before using it in recipes is pressing and marinating.
After you drain, rinse and pat your tofu with a kitchen towel, wrap it with a clean tea towel and place it on a plate..cover with a heavy cutting board and place a heavy pan on top for 15min ...this "pressing" will make the tofu even you are ready to marinate the Tofu block...i love using freshly grinded ginger and curry paste...delicious!
Did you know that Tofu contains essential amino acids, it's low in saturated fat, salt and carbohydrates and is cholesterol-free...Tofu-a great alternative source of protein.
Ullja's Gusto Food movement is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

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