Saturday, June 26, 2010


Ullja's cookies for Summer 2010, PEACHY MELBA SHORTBREAD COOKIES:

Ullja Kuntze, owner of Ullja's Bakery in Waco Texas has been making wonderful Summer flavors of her gourmet shortbread cookies. Ullja's Peachy Melba shortbread cookies made with fresh locally grown Peaches bought from local farmers in Waco.Sustainable food system in Waco, support our local farmers.
To order Ulljas cookies, please visit or call directly at (254)230-9920

Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ulljas Gusto, Waco's local sustainable Food movement, which is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

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