Saturday, June 26, 2010


Ullja's cookies for Summer 2010, PEACHY MELBA SHORTBREAD COOKIES:

Ullja Kuntze, owner of Ullja's Bakery in Waco Texas has been making wonderful Summer flavors of her gourmet shortbread cookies. Ullja's Peachy Melba shortbread cookies made with fresh locally grown Peaches bought from local farmers in Waco.Sustainable food system in Waco, support our local farmers.
To order Ulljas cookies, please visit or call directly at (254)230-9920

Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ulljas Gusto, Waco's local sustainable Food movement, which is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ullja Kuntze, Waco's Local Sustainable Food Movement, THE WONDERS OF QUINOA

Ulljas Gusto, Local Sustainable Food Movement Waco, THE WONDERS OF QUINOA:
Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ullja's Gusto, Waco's Local Sustainable Food movement and chef, has been cooking up some wonderful Quinoa recipes this week.
Quinoa, which is a seed often related with grains such as wheat or rice, is a very powerful protein source since it contains all the essential amino acids. Quinoa can be cooked like rice but you must rinse it in a strainer very well before cooking. Incorporate it in stew dishes, in stuffings, in salads and get a healthy dose of protein. Quinoa is a great healthy source for protein especially for Vegetarians or for those how to try to reduce eating red meat.
Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ulljas Gusto, Waco's local sustainable Food movement, which is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ullja's, Sustainable Food System Waco, HOW TO SAVE ENERGY IN THE KITCHEN

Ulljas Gusto, Local Sustainable Food Movement Waco Texas, SAVING ENERGY TIPS IN THE KITCHEN:

Here is a quick tip to save on energy while cooking in the kitchen :
Did you know when you cover your pots while cooking that you actually save alot on energy. Cooking with the lid open is pretty much like trying to heat the room while your window is open in winter.

I know with some recipes you wont be able to save energy by covering the lid, however the best time would be while waiting for your pasta water to boil.

Happy Start to a wonderful Summer and I cant wait for 4th of July Holidays and Festive Cooking ideas when i will be doing some major long-awaited grilling while watching the beautiful fireworks that will happen in my town of Waco.

Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ulljas Gusto, Waco's local sustainable Food movement, which is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Ullja's, Ulljas Gusto, Waco's local food movement~FRESH RASPBERRY HFCS-FREE CHEESECAKE:
Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ullja's Gusto, Waco's local sustainable food movement, has been teaching how to make hfcs-free desserts using pure canesugar and organic ingredients.
We need desserts and sweets moderation... and when we eat those, they better be all natural and made with the freshest ingredients.
A creamy raspberry cheesecake made with fresh raspberries picked from local farmers, fresh eggs, and organic ingredients...the cookie crust is also made from scratch since most of the store-bought graham crackers have high fructose corn syrup.
Ullja's raspberry cheesecake hfcs-free recipe, is definitely worth trying.

Ullja's Gusto, Waco's local sustainable Food movement, is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ulljas Gusto, Wonders of Tofu as alternative to protein

Ulljas Gusto, Local Food Movement Waco-TX~ITS SOY SIMPLE WITH TOFU:
Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ulljas Gusto local food movement and multi-cultural chef, has been cooking asian cuisine this week. Teaching the wonders of Tofu with mouth-watering recipes..healthy, meat-free, Tofu is great for Vegetarians and for those who would like to consume less meat.
Tofu has been around for centuries and has become popular in the Western cultures in the 20th century but still as of today, there are many people who have never used it before nor are familiar with Tofu recipes.
In my opinion, the most important things to do with Tofu before using it in recipes is pressing and marinating.
After you drain, rinse and pat your tofu with a kitchen towel, wrap it with a clean tea towel and place it on a plate..cover with a heavy cutting board and place a heavy pan on top for 15min ...this "pressing" will make the tofu even you are ready to marinate the Tofu block...i love using freshly grinded ginger and curry paste...delicious!
Did you know that Tofu contains essential amino acids, it's low in saturated fat, salt and carbohydrates and is cholesterol-free...Tofu-a great alternative source of protein.
Ullja's Gusto Food movement is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Ullja Kuntze, founder of Ullja's Gusto, Local Sustainable food movement in Waco Texas:
Ullja Kuntze and 979 community members found out today about the importance of supporting our local farmers and leading a sustainable, local-food-eating lifestyle.
Its a much-needed mentality in our community of Waco that is finally happening. Ullja's Gusto, Waco's local food movement is helping the community members with various events and activities to understand the advantages of supporting local farmers and buying local food.
Thank you Waco for being part of our food movement:-)
Ullja's Gusto Food movement is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Ullja's, Ullja's Gusto, Local Food movement Waco-TX, High Fructose Corn syrup:
As a part of our eating local, sustainable food movement in Waco-Texas, we are learing also how to read food labels and what things to watch out for.
One of the most abundant ingredient in both foods and drinks happens to be High Fructose Corn Syrup. Fructose in the food and drink products is mainly derived artificially from corn and it is called HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and used as a sugar substitute as well as a preservative. Tablesugar which is made from either sugarcane or beets is made out of glucose and fructose.
So why is it that most of the processed foods, juices, deli meats, icecreams, candybars and even white and wheat breads, just to name only a few items with HFCS, have this HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and not tablesugar (sucrose)??
What is the craze about lowering your Fructose/HFCS intake as much as possible? Consumers are speaking out in every corner of the nation against the HFCS use in food and drink products. Some food producing corporations have even started a new initiative to eliminate HFCS and substitute it with Sucrose, the Tablesugar.

We have discussed the issue of why high levels of Fructose is harmful to your health and the direct relation with obesity and heart disease in our Ullja's Gusto, local food movement and we will continue as a group to watch out the level of Fructose intake.
Ullja's Gusto Food movement is an educational movement to stimulate a much-needed and necessary "cultural revolution" through food by changing the mentality of consumers and their relationship with food. In collaboration with various organizations, churches, schools, doctors, local farmers and producers through taste education, community projects, activities for kids/adults, training classes, hobby gardens, field trips, shows and events, Ullja's Gusto will help you to discover the joys of eating healthy, fresh, and tasty while supporting our local farmers and artisan food producers. Support a sustainable, local food system in Waco!

Join Ullja's Gusto in getting our Waco to eat HEALTHY, FRESH AND TASTY. Yes we can do it:-)